Delivering to Los Angeles, CA

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Sign Up?

To Sign Up please visit our Registration Page. Once your information is submitted our team will review your information and contact you!

What are your store hours?

10:00AM to 7:00PM DAILY

Do you have a store front we can visit?

We do not , We service the Los Angeles great area via delivery!

Where do you deliver?

We deliver to the Los Angeles great area, Type in your address and at checkout our system will recognize if we can service your area or not.

Medical Only?

Due to California Laws we are medical only

What happens if my order was wrong?

Please message us on our Live Chat! So we can cancel your order.

Do you have a first time patient deal?

We don’t offer that at the is current time check back later

Do we ship product?

We do not ship any product

Do you deliver your clothing as well?

The clothing can only be bought online at and will be shipped to you usps

How long does an order take?

Depending on your location it can vary between 30 minutes and 2 hours

Can my friend order for me or be the one to have it dropped off to?

No, the person whose name is listed on the account and the medical recomendation is required to order and be present for all deliveries

No Picture ? How Can I See The Product ?

You can email us at [email protected] for a picture or our instagram has all the products pictures!

Managing Your Account

How do I manage my account?

Click on the top right corner and click the Account Button or open the side menu and click on My Account

Offline ! We will start taking orders in

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